Taishet aluminium smelter

The new high-tech facility will become one of RUSAL's key assets in Siberia.

The smelter will produce low carbon aluminium using modern RA-400 electrolysis technology.

Construction of the Taishet smelter began in 2007 in the Irkutsk region. The construction site was chosen to minimize the impact of the plant on the regional environment.  

Great attention was paid to environmental issues when designing the plant. The Taishet plant will be equipped with modern dry gas cleaning systems with a capture efficiency of over 98.5%. 

Primary aluminium
The 1 launching complex will consist of 352 RA-400 electrolysers.
430,000 tonnes (planned capacity of the 1 launching complex)
Taishet aluminium smelter will create around 3,000 jobs