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The only producer of refined silicon in Russia.
Commissioned in 1981.
In 1998 the facility was spun off from the Irkutsk smelter and incorporated as a independent entity.
Produces silicon from quartzite, mined at Glukhovsky pit of the Banichesky mine (part of RUSAL).
Commercial refined silicon
Metals and mining, chemical industries
Annual production capacity
34,000 tonnes
Production technology
Thermal method of silicon production in three-phase heating furnaces
A number of programs have been implemented to improve production efficiency and environmental safety: the ore thermal furnace has been modernized, gas purification units are being repaired and updated, a "dry" GOU construction is planned, as well as an increase in the sludge storage dam.
Stage-by-stage updating of the analytical equipment of the quality service is being carried out, a spectrometer with inductively coupled plasma, a press and an eraser from the world's leading manufacturers have been purchased, which will make it possible to expand the range of produced analyses and enter new markets.
Stage-by-stage updating of the analytical equipment of the quality service is being carried out, a spectrometer with inductively coupled plasma, a press and an eraser from the world's leading manufacturers have been purchased, which will make it possible to expand the range of produced analyses and enter new markets.
ISO 9001:2008 (environmental management system)
472 people