One of Germany’s leading manufacturers of aluminium alloys and semis and a major supplier to the global automotive industry.
Rheinfelden’s strong relationships with a number of premium automotive brands, its pioneering R&D platform and its flexible casthouse in the heart of Europe, along with RUSAL’s global scale low-carbon aluminium alloy production, will deliver significant value for a globally diversified customer base.
The company was established in 1898 as the first aluminium smelter in Germany.
Rheinfelden is located at the border between Germany and Switzerland, in the south of Germany.
Semis: slugs, aerosol cans, tube
Carbon: electrode paste for submerge arc furnace
Semis: 31 000 t
Carbon: 75 000 t
Alloys: Production of specialized casting alloys for the automotive industry
Semis: Production of sustainable aluminium billets
Carbon: Production of high purity and environmentally friendly electrode paste out of carbon materials
Alloys: +49 7623 93490
Semis: +49 7623 93464
Carbon: +49 7623 93211
Alloys: Aluminium Rheinfelden Alloys GmbH
Bukheinstraße 2
79618 Rheinfelden
Semis: Aluminium Rheinfelden Semis GmbH
Friedrichstraße 50
79618 Rheinfelden
Carbon: Rheinfelden Carbon Products GmbH
Bukheinstraße 2
79618 Rheinfelden